~ | Unilateral Talks | ||||
An Installation by Georg Tremmel and Shiho Fukuhara |
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The words understood and spoken during the exhibition from blue 1 16 2003 17 16 37 talk 1 16 2003 17 16 45; feed 1 16 2003 17 17 29; to off 1 23 2003 18 30 11; on 1 23 2003 18 30 13; ic 1 23 2003 18 30 20; (usw) |
Picture and Movies from the RCA Interaction Design Interimshow 2003 | Voice of America's Special English in Backup-Naur Form | |||
1.17.2003.0.37.38.txt 1.17.2003.10.17.19.txt 1.17.2003.14.49.24.txt 1.19.2003.11.11.24.txt 1.20.2003.15.56.22.txt 1.23.2003.17.24.41.txt 1.23.2003.17.40.36.txt 1.23.2003.18.30.22.txt |
georg+.jpg {image by Tiago Borges da Silva} Unilateral-Talks01.mov 20.2M Unilateral-Talks02.mov 1.3M Unilateral-Talks03.mov 6.6M Unilateral-Talks04.mov 2.5M Unilateral-Talks05.mov 2.5M Unilateral-Talks06.mov 1.7M Unilateral-Talks07.mov 1.3M Unilateral-Talks08.mov 960K Unilateral-Talks09.mov 1.2M Unilateral-Talks10.mov 1.5M Unilateral-Talks11.mov 9.3M Unilateral-Talks12.mov 7.1M Unilateral-Talks13.mov 10.5M Unilateral-Talks14.mov 64.5M |
ordnung_must_be.txt |
1.17.2003.0.37.38.txt 1.17.2003.10.17.19.txt 1.17.2003.14.49.24.txt 1.19.2003.11.11.24.txt 1.20.2003.15.56.22.txt 1.23.2003.17.24.41.txt 1.23.2003.17.40.36.txt 1.23.2003.18.30.22.txt . ordnung_must_be.txt Picture and Movies from the RCA Interaction Design Interimshow 2003 georg+.jpg (img by tiago) Unilateral-Talks01.mov 20.2M Unilateral-Talks02.mov 1.3M Unilateral-Talks03.mov 6.6M Unilateral-Talks04.mov 2.5M Unilateral-Talks05.mov 2.5M Unilateral-Talks06.mov 1.7M Unilateral-Talks07.mov 1.3M Unilateral-Talks08.mov 960K Unilateral-Talks09.mov 1.2M Unilateral-Talks10.mov 1.5M Unilateral-Talks11.mov 9.3M Unilateral-Talks12.mov 7.1M Unilateral-Talks13.mov 10.5M Unilateral-Talks14.mov 64.5M speakback.txt And I thought I was mistaken And I thought I heard you speak neu.ordnung.blau.montag 3.45 - 3.52 repeat after me hearsay speakback backspeak heardsaid bespoken spoke will speak hearing/saying say said hear heard say say say uhuhuhu doublespeak one computer (listen and speak) or 2 listen (1) and speak (1) hmm communication... . communication == speaking. human/ computer communication. koennen computer ntereinandersprechen. koennen sie miteinender singen und kantieren. (reden) monotone wortgesaenge.)>? was will ich, wie kann ich dazu different sein, verschieden. was interssiert mich, ws ist die frage, die ich beantworten moecjhte.?> das verstehen. (nicht alles wird verstanden/ nicht alles soll verstanden werden. eine absichtlichs filter/reduzieren des vocabulars. (das scheitern, das ewige, das schwindliche) abgrenzung kein netzwerk, sondern einmaliches hoeren, sprechen.? hoeren (verstehen) sprechen (?) ist das verstehen ein notwendigkeit des sprechesn? oder kann ich auch sprechen, indem ich nur hore. (chinese room, turing test, doctor roger eliza) was beweist es? was moechte ich beweisen? .. dass das verhaeltniss computer-mensch principiell auf missverstaendissen besteht. .. dass woerter, gedanken, reduzierng. (principiell offen). (pricipeiell denkbar , dass de darunerliegenden muster sichtbarere werden. die moeglichkeiten muessen vorhanden sein, wenn auch unterbewusst. was ist doe ptrincipielle offenheit bei speakback. was koennte damit passieren? was kann ich damit machen? kann es mich ueberraschen? speakback backspeak backspeech loopspeech roundspeak loopspeak loopwords looptxt looptexture textloop textureloop loopspeak simple signal proceessing. imagine one speaker speaking into microphone. img these words translated from speech to text. img text img delay img text to speech img this speech coming out of a loadspeaker opposite the microphone. hearsay speakback backspeak doublespeal repeat after me. (i ll be comming whereof one cannot, thereof one must whereof thereof rory hamilton:" A microphone takes in speech, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, that speech is translated by the computer into text (using only the words available in the "Voice of America" dictionary), the text is then read aloud by the computer into the microphone, " max v2; #N vpatcher 92 73 751 671; #P number 367 212 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 561 132 41 196617 delay 1; #N vpatcher 309 84 1147 753; #P origin 0 56; #P hidden newex 281 48 45 196617 loadbang; #P hidden message 270 125 32 196617 0 0 0; #P hidden newex 270 160 68 196617 bgcolor 0 0 0; #P hidden newex 306 449 35 196617 sel 16; #P hidden newex 306 427 40 196617 key; #P hidden toggle 306 471 15 0; #P hidden message 306 492 68 196617 fullscreen \$1; #N thispatcher; #Q end; #P hidden newobj 306 514 59 196617 thispatcher; #P message 75 229 882 165478542 hope; #B color 3; #P hidden inlet 75 112 13 0; #P hidden comment 355 449 100 196617 f12; #P hidden connect 1 0 2 0; #P hidden connect 10 0 9 0; #P hidden connect 9 0 8 0; #P hidden connect 6 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 7 0 5 0; #P hidden connect 5 0 4 0; #P hidden connect 4 0 3 0; #P pop 1; #P newobj 333 376 144 196632 p display; #B color 11; #P button 405 102 15 0; #P newex 405 80 48 196617 sel 1515; #P message 476 156 50 196617 \; save-coll bang; #N vpatcher 461 168 932 618; #P message 66 318 48 196617 write \$1; #P newex 38 31 58 196617 r save-coll; #P outlet 51 357 15 0; #P newex 111 270 78 196617 prepend symbol; #P message 201 322 35 196617 set \$1; #P newex 111 238 49 196617 tosymbol; #P newex 111 80 28 196617 t b b; #P button 111 58 15 0; #P newex 111 190 146 196617 pack 0 0 0 0 0 0; #P newex 192 168 65 196617 unpack 0 0 0; #P message 201 356 122 196617 Ô1 17 2003 10 17 19Õ; #P newex 111 168 65 196617 unpack 0 0 0; #P message 149 107 28 196617 time; #P message 111 107 27 196617 date; #P newex 111 135 40 196617 date; #P connect 14 0 12 0; #P connect 11 0 14 0; #P connect 13 0 7 0; #P connect 7 0 8 0; #P connect 8 0 1 0; #P connect 2 0 0 0; #P connect 1 0 0 0; #P connect 0 0 3 0; #P connect 3 0 6 0; #P connect 6 0 9 0; #P connect 9 0 11 0; #P connect 3 1 6 1; #P connect 8 1 2 0; #P connect 3 2 6 2; #P fasten 0 1 5 0 131 160 197 160; #P connect 5 0 6 3; #P connect 11 0 10 0; #P connect 10 0 4 0; #P connect 5 1 6 4; #P connect 5 2 6 5; #P pop; #P newobj 118 327 58 196617 p save-coll; #P newex 154 445 60 196617 prepend set; #P message 154 471 123 196617 Ô1 18 2003 17 54 22Õ; #P newex 43 410 54 196617 unpack s s; #N vpatcher 352 128 823 578; #P inlet 46 35 15 0; #P outlet 51 357 15 0; #P newex 111 270 78 196617 prepend symbol; #P message 201 322 35 196617 set \$1; #P newex 111 238 49 196617 tosymbol; #P newex 111 80 28 196617 t b b; #P button 111 58 15 0; #P newex 111 190 146 196617 pack 0 0 0 0 0 0; #P newex 192 168 65 196617 unpack 0 0 0; #P message 201 356 122 196617 Ô1 18 2003 17 54 41Õ; #P newex 111 168 65 196617 unpack 0 0 0; #P message 149 107 28 196617 time; #P message 111 107 27 196617 date; #P newex 111 135 40 196617 date; #P connect 11 0 12 0; #P connect 13 0 7 0; #P connect 7 0 8 0; #P connect 8 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 0 0; #P connect 2 0 0 0; #P connect 0 0 3 0; #P connect 3 0 6 0; #P connect 6 0 9 0; #P connect 9 0 11 0; #P connect 3 1 6 1; #P connect 8 1 2 0; #P connect 3 2 6 2; #P fasten 0 1 5 0 131 160 197 160; #P connect 5 0 6 3; #P connect 11 0 10 0; #P connect 10 0 4 0; #P connect 5 1 6 4; #P connect 5 2 6 5; #P pop; #P newobj 117 175 35 196617 p time; #N vpatcher 466 325 947 663; #P message 121 233 38 196617 xreset; #P flonum 173 212 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P message 121 212 51 196617 xpitch \$1; #P newex 363 42 45 196617 loadbang; #P message 363 64 20 196617 12; #P message 131 97 29 196617 hello; #P newex 252 133 75 196617 prepend xvoice; #P user ubumenu 252 101 100 196617 0 1 1; #X add Agnes; #X add Agnes high quality; #X add Albert; #X add Bad News; #X add Bahh; #X add Bells; #X add Boing; #X add Bruce; #X add Bruce high quality; #X add Bubbles; #X add Cellos; #X add Deranged; #X add Fred; #X add Good News; #X add Hysterical; #X add Junior; #X add Kathy; #X add Pipe Organ; #X add Princess; #X add Ralph; #X add Trinoids; #X add Victoria; #X add Victoria high quality; #X add Whisper; #X add Zarvox; #X prefix_set 0 0; #P newex 38 268 35 196617 lspeak; #P inlet 38 49 15 0; #P connect 9 0 1 0; #P connect 7 0 1 0; #P connect 0 0 1 0; #P connect 4 0 1 0; #P fasten 3 0 1 0 257 199 43 199; #P connect 8 0 7 0; #P fasten 5 0 2 0 368 90 257 90; #P fasten 2 1 3 0 302 125 257 125; #P connect 6 0 5 0; #P pop; #P newobj 43 513 71 196617 p text2speech; #P newex 71 327 32 196617 r coll; #P newex 265 80 50 196617 r counter; #P number 318 261 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 318 235 53 196617 pipe 1000; #P message 245 80 14 196617 0; #P message 561 156 42 196617 \; coll clear \; counter 0; #P newex 73 445 60 196617 prepend set; #P message 73 471 63 196617 hope; #P newex 166 80 41 196617 delay 1; #N coll ; #P newobj 43 355 53 196617 coll; #P number 166 129 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 43 198 85 196617 pack 0 word time; #P button 117 58 15 0; #N counter; #X flags 0 0; #P newobj 166 108 66 196617 counter; #N vpatcher 322 167 889 740; #P newex 142 45 59 196617 delay 2000; #P newex 18 26 45 196617 loadbang; #P button 366 297 15 0; #P message 273 297 88 196617 started; #P newex 273 264 60 196617 prepend set; #P newex 18 215 93 196617 route result status; #P message 203 93 35 196617 status; #P button 273 225 24 14; #P message 18 69 125 196617 load ordnung_must_be.txt; #P message 175 93 27 196617 stop; #P message 142 93 31 196617 start; #P newex 18 156 52 196617 listen yes; #P button 249 297 15 0; #P message 135 297 109 196617 ic; #P newex 135 264 60 196617 prepend set; #P comment 343 51 100 196617 dsp status... audio (off) driver (none); #P comment 150 396 340 196617 The inlet takes commands controlling the speech recognition object.; #P comment 300 228 74 196617 Error detected; #P comment 273 317 36 196617 status; #P comment 135 315 38 196617 result; #P outlet 18 463 15 0; #P message 198 366 38 196617 cccccc; #P message 155 366 38 196617 bbbbbb; #P message 111 366 38 196617 aaaaaa; #P comment 182 47 100 196617 just in case; #P connect 23 0 16 0; #P fasten 24 0 16 0 147 66 23 66; #P fasten 18 0 13 0 208 142 23 142; #P fasten 15 0 13 0 180 142 23 142; #P fasten 14 0 13 0 147 142 23 142; #P fasten 16 0 13 0 23 93 23 93; #P fasten 13 0 19 0 23 200 23 200; #P connect 19 0 4 0; #P connect 3 0 4 0; #P connect 2 0 4 0; #P connect 1 0 4 0; #P fasten 19 0 10 0 23 251 140 251; #P fasten 10 0 11 0 140 289 140 289; #P fasten 23 0 24 0 23 44 147 44; #P connect 24 0 14 0; #P fasten 10 0 12 0 140 287 254 287; #P fasten 13 1 17 0 65 185 278 185; #P fasten 19 1 20 0 64 242 278 242; #P fasten 20 0 21 0 278 289 278 289; #P fasten 20 0 22 0 278 287 371 287; #P pop; #P newobj 43 28 71 196617 p speech2text; #P comment 376 236 53 196617 delay ...; #P comment 464 82 126 196617 safe after 1515 words; #P comment 388 432 137 196617 double click \, then F12; #P fasten 7 0 6 0 171 150 48 150; #P fasten 17 0 8 0 76 349 48 349; #P fasten 15 0 8 0 323 306 48 306; #P connect 6 0 8 0; #P fasten 23 0 8 0 123 349 48 349; #P connect 8 0 20 0; #P connect 20 0 18 0; #P fasten 20 0 11 0 48 436 78 436; #P connect 11 0 10 0; #P connect 3 0 6 1; #P fasten 3 0 5 0 48 54 122 54; #P connect 5 0 19 0; #P connect 19 0 6 2; #P fasten 20 1 22 0 92 436 159 436; #P connect 22 0 21 0; #P fasten 5 0 9 0 122 76 171 76; #P connect 9 0 4 0; #P connect 4 0 7 0; #P fasten 13 0 4 2 250 104 199 104; #P fasten 16 0 4 2 270 104 199 104; #P fasten 7 0 14 0 171 165 323 165; #P connect 14 0 15 0; #P connect 11 0 27 0; #P connect 29 0 14 1; #P fasten 7 0 25 0 171 150 376 150 376 65 410 65; #P connect 25 0 26 0; #P fasten 26 0 24 0 410 125 481 125; #P fasten 26 0 28 0 410 125 566 125; #P connect 28 0 12 0; #P pop;