09_communities project

(online communities)

what is a 'online community'?

the vs a o-c? are there more? is there just one?

what makes a comunity?

did communities fail

communities == target audience?

'a product or a service' materiell or immatreiall 'thing'

privacy is not the solution -( ohh. we are going to loose our privacy!...
	slavoj zisek: "so what!"
conclusion: privacy is unnecassry. irrelevant.

communties unify a common goal
communities unify a common need.


com- munio''  coming - together. meeting person person. instance - instacne. 
direkt- in.. -direkt.

angesichtich. (personal- comm.

human - human
human - medium - human
		( of courec. one could arge. human- human is also mediated by a medium (da-zwischen)
substitute (human, brain)

mediate communcation. kanal. entropie. das rauschen der systeme.

"how can i be sure the 'ohter one' understands me.)
	- (rad. konstruktiv. luhmann . systemm. 2nd order cybernectic.)
		the blind spot.
observing one action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing the observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing the observing the observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.
observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing the observing of the action, but i cannot observe myself.

	the blind spots

extenting. upgrading. adding (-existing project)-

ziel: konzeptionelles und reflektierendes arbeiten im sozialen kontext 
aim:  conceptual and reflectional work in (a)(the) socail context

narciss-community -(project)//////---------

hand in hand together, gazing at a common goal (this is true love) {slavoj zizek}

"i only like people like me"

"people only like me like them
they only like people like themselves

one self and only one self, but: not alone

not alone: live wastes

"(psychological process narciss(sm)..
self-realisation, self-construction, self-observing: becoming human.

"a place, people you like, people like you, people likes you..."

mirrored sunglasses, worn the other way round. .

temp, spat, langua. displacment. infusion.

likce eliza (weizenbaums doctor), only better, bigger!. only you!

improve youself (your social life)!
became a better person!
became someone different!

	(become somebody, somewhere, sometime)(become anybody, anywhere, anytime)

loose yourself!
you only find yourself in someone else!

/ ///////////////////////

communcation. kanal. knoting kanals to networks. 
technological media dispositiv. communcication

mediation = ubergang (transgress )from one media to anaother
			fraktion, refraction. (light . from air to glas. from air to water. etc)
			we change directions. not the same river, && not the same person.../

minimal community (1) narciss-narcoss


osterweiterung_/-culture on the border..-forum

gnutella/p2p community hacking

visualisation of existing (community) structures (making the invisible visible)
project about communities instead project with communities

what is a community?

communities constists of person, interests, goals.
communities are goal-oriented
society is the community of communities.

communites communicate.
computer communicated communication

communication which medium. the medium restricts the message.

angesichtliche (face-to-face):		language{sound}, 	mimik, motion{bild},   gleichzeitig, gleich-ortig. -dialog, inter-action


reduction to text. extreme reduktion text

(again. form. + 'meaning'. "but what exactliy do you want to say?"

involving the user. providing a form. fill out. expand. empry vessel. structure.
connect. konnetktivsim, connect communities. create.

exkurs 1:   (
			serving (slaving)
	which community? you.
		(you are not alone)__________(i am here with you)
		happyness alone:
		alone: live wastes the anonymous user.
		alone: live wastes you.
		room of reflections
		world of mirrors.
		"how can i know, there are other thinking people. or: the world as i
		see is constructed by myself.
		standards of society. morality && law.
	cooperative relationship visualisation
	community hacking impliciert
	in-formation vs ex-formation?
		is the author lying or telling the truth?
		is there only one truth? no.
	how to describe/visualise relationships? how does it actualy look like?
	how to descripe person?
		logins (when, where)
		activity (last, how often)
		written what? auhtored
	how can i make connection? write?
	what can i do? can i make connections?
		make stronger 		(confirm, afirm)
		make weaker 		(dis-firm
	who said what in which context to whom in which channel with what effect?		
	activity hit-list. (who said what?)
	which community? 
		writer - reader
		(digital) gossip (oh my go-d!!)

		1: (nice one)
		  ()  () ( ) ())(())((
		  	generatif-networks. media = constructed enviornment = codifiziert = digital =
		  		machinell lesbar. readable - - - writeable. input --> /_process_/|   --> output
		  													cirular self-ref.
		  													cyb of cyb (2nd o. c..)
		  									(learn 1 kultrliche and 1 natrliche langage)
		  									natural		-	natrlich
		  									cultural	-   kultrlich
		  									artficial	-	knstliche?
		  				transgression. from (designer/artist) 1st order to (designer/artist) 2nd order.
		  					cybernetes. steersman. controlling.
		co-adaptiv community visualisation method (tool)
		make a szenario!
		tell a story!
		what is it?
		what do i want to achieve?
		who is going to use it?
		how will it be used?
		when will you react?
		how can you react?
		what can i do? what can i not do?
		maximum openness/necessary closeness?
		if 'everybody' can do 'anything' what will happen: 'anything' to 'nothing'
		tension of usage./
		representation: (what?)
			persons, people		(non-specifiy, no personal features) 	--  name
			connections between people
			spannungsfelder (tension fields)
			co-operative, co-adaptive description
			who says who
			_____________ ___ ____________
			communication vs. immunication
			_____________ ___ ____________
			______ _____________ ___ _______ ____________
			online communication vs. offline immunication
			______ _____________ ___ _______ ____________
			represented community 	(community 1st order)
			representing community 	(community 2nd order)
			2nd becames 1st, from aspect of  3rd (of course)
		n-dimesions :: what is connected with what?
		what does a conection actually 'mean'?
	(	make a connection
		draw a distinction	)
		description via:
							text		(words, sentences, utterances, ...)
							textures 	(connections)
							strings (fden) 2-dimensionl (2 ends, 1 between)
							strings connect
							strings weben
							punkt -> verbindung -> punkt
							punkte -> verbindungen -> punkte
							netzwerk = verbindungen.
							visualisiern the network
							lets net work
							lets njetwork
							networking people
							njetwrking people
							!_/''''\_! 8supersymmetriq9
					(usp unique selling proposition____________________/-----------?)
					community aspect?
					community experience?
					what brings people together?
					what is relevant? -important?
					how will people use it?
	symbolic network..:
