~ genetic design noir biotech design noir "Consuming Monsters: Big, Perfect, Infectious." Tony Dunne/Fiona Raby (symbolic representation) (represive symbolsim) programming data body gene-pool ==[lit. pool of genes] gene-pool = totallity of all existing genes. [what are genes? biologically d-n-a. desoxyribo-nuclein-acid. phosphate. sugar. base] #take 1 pool #fill w dna (++precise chemical ingredients of dna} #== gene-pool "swimming in the gene-pool" {gene-pole} rules for the man-park genetic tatoo. using redundant space on your dna to engrave your favourite data (text, image, sound) life as code self.mov self.aif dna.base4img.html "the product you are developing is a vehicle for questioning (the product) implications of an object manufactor consumer trans-genetic-self-replication-organism "implant your 'genes' into another organism. (a tree with your dns) little self little me little you. i love my dna. disease/failure/ visualising the failure appling genetic diseasing to different production processes. savage idiot dna=code dna.scratching materialising the code..: mmixing gnixing gmixing gene-lottery. do you want to participate? embedding code into the system. what«s your easter egg? (finding easter eggs. hiding easter eggs. hide & seek. find & search.) superficial code. redundancy is good. repetition is good. repetition is good. rednzdancy is good. _. the other sides. the other selfs. the other mes. the other yous. the other us. how does the other me look like? slightliy different or completly the same?. let's biohack! yuki.1.jpg yuki.2.jpg shi.2.jpg shi.1.jpg roger.2.jpg roger.1.jpg meg.2.jpg meg.1.jpg gael.2.jpg gael.1.jpg Me are just other people trying to get. LeT's help finding their emergence door. q|b; q|p, ..., d|b; discover the other monster inside you. you are the beast. "bringing up the dead. future-future land. the themepark with your favourite dead historical persons." startx a religion. lets join the meme-war. cross-fertilisation. m. g. .( target=group. infiltrate. invade. choose your vehicle design. how to access crd? open yr door w/ kagi. ?! what does this mean. group.dynamik. abortion/konservation ab ortion con ortion ab servati co ortion. --++ killing+living. youuuuu cannnn liveeee foreverrrr. possibilities enhanced open mind & closed reality 01: genetic tatoo. embed data inside your dna. mov. snd, programms. what is your easter egg? dont you have on? 02: my dna plant. my plant and my dna. TRANS-FORMATION 03: gene-lottery. life = game. are you the winner? 04: the other me. discover the other monster inside you. you are just one possibility of your genetic make-up. discover the others. 05: bringing up the dead. theme park. future-future world. 06. abort/conserve / abserve moduln.approach. i am a moduln girl in a moduln world. {} } :::::: beta-pets are the better pets :::::: better pets? beta-pets! beta-pets pets you love. pets made with love. beta-pets genomics ltd. Genodesign Genomics Design Genosign The BetaPets Genomics Design Group is engaged principally in integrating advanced technologies to help you create your favourite, cuddley and beloved pet of the future. We are happy to offer a broad range of possibilities, all ]01.txtexternal link: 01.beta-pets.sf.txt contibution: branding. naming. beta pets. you will love them beta pets. your next pet now. beta pets. new dogs and cats. beta pets. tng. beta pets. alpha love. beta pets. ... {beta-pets word marque concieved by your humble narrator *.} fact.01. it is possible to hybridise animals. chimera. ets. result.01. contraoversal, pervert. dns as storeage. dna-stegonography. hidding information inside. the uncanny dna. who are you?. make variations . varionta. say . this se.l.l. th.at.: make the product. make the compaign. make. trans-genetic. no no. trans-code dna. 1 dna = code. (genes are interpretations of dna. genes } 1 code hidden in another. its there. you know, you cannot see. but you know. no effect, . you know. * {after 1 week the budget situation forced beta-pets inc. to suspend its promising biotech engeneering business. however, the ingenious word mark beta-pets will be transformed into a memetic landmark. thank you very much.} ./ 3.01+ animal surface as commercial surface. 3.02+ praehistoric pets. very new very old pets. extinct? no. "something has survived" "they're walking our streets" "their time has come" 3.03+ dna representation as greysacle image. a = 100% c = 75% g = 25% t = 0% copy + modify + paste. this is real life! -4+ images play the game of life. image gaome of life, modify the image(displace) -5* genetics.2020 ? what will the future of genetics look like? a report. genetically modify a report on genetics. . . ...__;:_:_: gene.pole . meme.pole . if genomesize would equal (intellignece, progress, advancement) newts (genome size 19,000,000 kb) are more advanced than humans (genome size 3,500,000 kb). human genomesize ca 3 300 000 000 base pairs adcg 1 pair == 2 bits a == 00 6 600 000 000 bit / 8 825 000 000 byte TRANS-PLANT ashes to sea - genes into pool SCATTER YOUR ASHES IN THE SEA - DISPERSE YOUR DNA IN THE GENEPOOL. """ DNA is the carrier of heritage information. Genes are specific areas on the DNA, responsible for the attributes of an organism. but. Only a small part of the DNA is used for Genes. The other, much bigger, superficial parts have no function. Its the JUNK-DNA. """ 1.non.functional.mov {2.3M} 2.possible.mov {6.2M} 3.will.be.passed.on.mov {1.1M} 4.memorial.to.someone.mov {2.3M} "truely post-graduate level" "extraordinary work" "granny smith!" UK Patent Application Number: 0215039.9 Filing Date: 28-Jun-02 Applicant: Georg Tremmel